For Freedom Fighters
Humayun Azad
Roses come out of your rifle
Forty-five rosebuds are in
your machine gun's magazine
Red roses sprout from bush
lifeless if you camouflage
Frightened are the robbers
of roses much, not the weapons
All at once does your
footstep crush the enemy's concrete bunker
The impenetrable enemy fortress Dhaka falls
Like the enchantress' magic
as you finger on the trigger
Love comes out of your rifle
Love blazes in all your
Effortless much do Jessore,
Comilla and Dhaka come by your mighty muscle
Like the beloved's eager
body as you step
The perfidious flag studded
with moon-star gets pulled apart
From the top of the
high-rise structure as it sights you
Life comes out of your rifle
Lives blazing with motion to
the bayoneted corpse you send
The lifeless trees,
burnt-butterflies are given life on your arrival
Falgun approaches Bangladesh
at the sound of your footstep
Sing all in a tune seven
crore ill- fated cuckoos
In the 56,000 square miles
garden fallen to pieces.
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